Kingkiller Chronicles Book 3

Kingkiller Chronicles Trilogy

Patrick Rothfuss’ Kingkiller chronicle trilogy has had a fantastic reception across the world, due in part no doubt to the significant appetite for fantasy fiction fuelled largely by George R R Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series. Currently consisting of just the first two books, the series ends at the moment with Kingkiller Chronicles book 2, the Wise Man’s Fear, which leaves the reader on a hell of a cliff hanger and very anxious to find out precisely what’s going to happen to the hero of the books, Kvothe. The first book the name of the wind ended on a similarly gripping note, leaving us desparate to find out what happens next.

The Story So Far: Kingkiller Chronicles Day one and two

Kingkiller Chronicles Day one and two

Progress through the narrative of Kvothe’s life has been noticeably slow, with two full novels taking us only as far as his late teens. A huge amount has happened to Kvothe during The Kingkiller Chronicles first book the Name of the Wind and The Kingkiller Chronicles second book The Wise Man’s Fear, but in what we know is going eventually to be a three-book series (Kote tells the Chronicler in book one that relating the story of his life will take precisely three days, and so far one day relates directly to one novel) it’s surprising that we’ve not really got far beyond Kvothe’s university days and that there is so much of his notorious life still to cover. This leaves a large proportion of the Kingkiller Chronicles to be covered in Kingkiller Chronicles book three. So far, not one king has been introduced, let alone killed!
A terrific central character, Kvothe is the narrator and the hero the Kingkiller Chronicle books. Kvothe is by birth one of the Edema Ruh, a nomadic troupe of actors and performers who are morally upright and family-centred, but considered by most of society to be among the lowest of the low and little more than traveling bandits. Following the catastrophic murder of his family and troupe by the Chandrian, a group of demons straight out of his world’s mythic past, Kvothe enrols in the Arcanium, capitalising on his terrific natural aptitude for the subject by training to be a wizard. His story forms the basis of Kingkiller Chronicle book one, Kingkiller Chronicle book two and Kingkiller Chronicle book three, and is narrated to a historian in the setting of an inn owned by Kvothe later in his life. This cunning narration method allows us the insight of a first-person narrative while still being able to keep some secrets tantalisingly on display by having the older Kvothe refusing to divulge certain aspects of his life. What is it that made Kvothe disappear from public life prior to the start of Kingkiller Chronicles Day 1? How did Kvothe meet Bast? Just how old is the older Kvothe- is he telling stories from 30 years ago, or 5? With the time Kvothe spent in the Fae, is age meaningless anyway? How did the war that is ravaging the land start; was Kvothe to blame? Why is the series named "Kingkiller Chronicles" - presumably there will be a king at some point and Kvothe will kill him? All these fairly essential details are deliberately and teasingly left unclear so far- the pressure for Kingkiller Chronicles Day 3 to deliver on all these details is immense.

Kingkiller Chronicles Day 3

So all in all, this leaves a lot to cover in the third Kingkiller Chronicle book. Kingkiller Chronicles book 3, also known as Kingkiller Chronicles Day 3, is expected to be called The Walls of Stone. There’s no publication date set as yet for Kingkiller Chronicles book 3, but it’s thought likely to hit the shelves at some point during 2013. What will happen to Kvothe during Kingkiller Chronicles day 3? Your guess is as good as mine, but no doubt Patrick Rothfuss and Kote will both have plenty up their sleeves to keep us on the edges of our seats.
It might even be the case that the third Kingkiller book will be insufficient for the amount of story left to tell- as well as bringing us up to date with Kvothe's life, the book will also need to resolve the plot surrounding the present day. Presumably Kote will need to regain his strength, powers and notoriety by becoming Kvothe once more, and someone is going to need to bring an end to the chaos in the world around Kote's little inn. This is a lot of ground to cover in a book that will also need to see Kvothe graduate from university, finally defeat Ambrose Jakis once and for all, unmask and defeat Denna's patron, revisit the fae, meet Bast, kill a King or two, somehow cause the world that his older self finds himself in, and then lose his confidence and his powers.

Comments Please!

Let me know what you think? Did you love Kingkiller Chronicles Day 2 as much as Kingkiller Chronicles Day 1? What do you think might happen to Kvothe during Kingkiller Chronicles Day 3? What do you think of the name- The Walls of Stone sounds quite a lot like the Heart of Stone doesn’t it? Will there be a fourth Kingkiller Chronicles book? How did Kvothe lose his powers? Who is Denna's patron?

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